Services Provided
Food Spectrum provides a full array of consultative services to food and agribusiness incubation and innovation programs being developed by government agencies, universities, foundations, trade associations, community non-profits, and private sector corporations and investment groups. Our services include the following:
Strategic Planning, Feasibility Studies, and Global Best Practices
- Global Best Practice Assessment
- Incubator Evaluations and Assessments
- Feasibility Studies and Business Plan Development
- Core Competency and Infrastructure Assessment and Development
- Legal structure options and recommendations
- Board of Directors or Advisers Development, that enables both incubator accountability and stakeholder input
- Organizational Requirements, and Staff Hiring and Training
- Mission, Vision and Values Statement Development
- SWOT analysis – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to incubation strategy
- Interim Business Incubator Leadership
- Ongoing Organizational Coaching and Mentoring
Industry Clustering Strategy
- State, Regional and/or National Food Industry Clustering Strategy
- Vertical and Horizontal Linkages Strategies
- Development of industry clusters, assessing public and private sector stakeholders, and cultivating collaborations and industry partnerships
- Development of client clusters, assessing farmers and agricultural producers, agricultural cooperatives, food entrepreneurs, established small and medium food processing enterprises (SME’s), and retail and foodservice establishments
- Development of resource clusters, and synergies and partnerships that provide maximum outreach and community benefits amongst service providers
Market Research and Analysis
- Comprehensive Food Sector and Industry Trends Research
- Secondary Market Research and Economic Assessment
- Primary Market Research, and Client Research and Focus
- Regulatory assessment – local, state, national, international
- Consumer demand assessment: domestic consumption and export potential
- Industry supply assessment: raw material availability and commercialization potential
- Sector evaluation, prioritization, and selection
- “One Village One Product” strategies for local products with global applications
Product and Process Prioritization and Development
- Assessment of value-added products that can be domestically, regionally or locally competitive
- Assessment of value-added products that can be internationally competitive and of the proper product, packaging, and quality specification that are acceptable for export
- Product, Process, and Packaging Strategy, and Competitive Assessment
- New Product Ideation, Innovation, and Development from Concept to Commercialization
- Quantitative and Qualitative Consumer Research and Analysis
- Technology Commercialization and IP Assessment
- Quality Assurance Policy Development – HACCP, SOP’s, SSOP’s, GMP’s and GAP’s, and preparation for GFSI Certification
- Microbiological and Analytical Testing Protocol and Guidance
Facility Design and Engineering
- Site Selection Strategy
- Plant/Process design and engineering utilizing CAD
- Compliance with local, state, federal and international regulatory guidelines
- Compliance with quality assurance and sanitation best practices
- Compliance with HACCP design, and best practices for traffic flow of personnel and materials
- Equipment Selection – for value-added products that include prepared meat, poultry and seafood products; fresh-cut fruits, vegetables, and blends; entrees and meal components; soup, sauces and stews; side dishes, salads and salsa; pasta products; sandwiches and wraps; pizzas and pies; breads, muffins, and specialty bakery products; beverages, juices and purees; dips and dressings; jams and jellies; dehydrated products, blended seasonings, flavorings, rubs, teas, coffees, etc.
Operations, Impacts, Marketing and Metrics
- Impact assessment and metrics/goals development
- Management Information systems for impacts measurement and reporting
- Client Recruitment Strategies
- Client screening and prioritization process development
- Integrated Marketing Strategy
- Public relations strategy and execution
- Website development and execution
Finance and Fundraising
- Identification of local, state, federal and international funding opportunities from the public and private sector, for both capital and operating needs
- Grant identification and grant-writing assistance
- Incubator revenue stream strategies, derived from tenant usage fees; marketing, technical and educational services; co-packing fees, and other sources.
- Financial proforma statement development, including revenue sources and expense sources from varied incubator operations and options
Education, Training and Mentoring
- Customized training programs for incubator clients, including: Entrepreneurship Development; Food Business Basics; Quality Assurance and Food Safety; Good Manufacturing Practices; Good Agricultural Practices; Value-Added Technologies; Marketing, Sales and Distribution, etc.
- Customized training programs for incubator managers, staff, and stakeholders
- Ongoing mentoring and management that results in program excellence and continual improvement and expansion

Lou Cooperhouse, standing in front of wall commemorating strategic and financial supporters
of the Rutgers Food Innovation Center